Beejus, real name Brandon Robinson is a FreeSpirit'ed musician and podcast host. Residing in his hometown of Oakland California, he's the captain of his creative ship, controlling every intricate part to keep things moving. He's made a name for himself, both between his music and podcast, “Awkward Convos with Beejus.” All housed under his FreeSpirit brand.
“I’ll never box myself in.” A motto he’s had since his teenage years, a motto that fuels his “method to the madness” but all over the place style of being. His music is deep enough for seasoned music heads to appreciate, while fun enough that the party goers will sing along and dance as well. While always speaking on positivity and self betterment, his West Oakland California upbringing adds a very real element that makes his music and persona so relatable, leaving a lasting impression on everyone he comes across.
Looking for more cool stuff?
Check out the Awkward Convos with Beejus Podcast here